Saturday, April 3, 2010

The downside of a vast social network

To really take care of business requires a large social network of people from different walks of life.

In the wise words of superwog, ' I like money. People have money. Therefore i like people who have money.'  I'm not like that, but hearing that makes me laugh continuously.

Some may use the term, 'Friends.' I like to be specific when i describe things, for example when rating a movie i give it a %  to the 2nd decimal place. It is due to this love of accuracy that i use these terms when applicable:

Carlton Supporters

Harnessing this network is a key to taking care of business. Generally i maintain friendships via activities involving a meal. There are two main problems in the meal activity:

Meals cost money

Most food i consume while outside is the nutritional equivalent of bin juice.

Sure i don't have to do that, but it is what is required to feed the network at this current point in time. The network is like a spider eating a fly caught in its web, except i am the fly and i am being constantly regurgitated and eaten, over and over again.

A thought then came to me.

I believe there is a market for a decent dining experience serving healthy meals for a very affordable price. I'm talking caesar salads for $6. I'm talking wraps for $5. The caesar salad would include croutons, so you know it's going to be legitimate caesar salad. I'm talking about a dining experience so cheap yet good enough that students such as myself will resort to eating out more than eating in.
I can hear you saying, ' that's stupid, it's not profitable enough'
                                 'it exists ning nong, it's called subway'

See the key factor here is to realise that it would be so cheap that the volume of repeat customers is much higher and more regular.
Also, subway is too limited in choices.

What do you think?



  1. all the ideas you get have been thought up by someone else before. sucks to be you. but i enjoyed the graphic, so thanks.
